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List of academic papers by members of the lab

This is a list of academic papers published by members of the laboratory since 2020.

Last Updata: 2024. 11. 12


  • Mameno, K., Kubo, T., Tsuge, T., Yamano. H. (2025). Reducing red-soil runoff from farmland provides heterogeneous economic benefits through coastal ecosystems. Ecological Economics. 230 108527


  • Omori, Y., Kuriyama, K., Tsuge, T., Onuma, A., & Shoji, Y(2024). Coastal infrastructure typology and people's preference-based grey-green-hybrid infrastructure classifications using a latent class model: A case study of Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 114 104992 

  • Mameno, K., Tsuge, T., Kubo, T., Kuriyama, K., & Shoji, Y. (2024). High monetary valuation of regulating forest ecosystem services in Japan: integrating the best-worst scaling and contingent valuation methods. Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2400544.

  • Kuriyama, K., Shoji, Y., & Tsuge, T. (2024). The integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model: An application for estimation of the leisure trip demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 186, 103018.

  • Mameno, K., Arnberger, A., Shoji, Y., & Kubo, T. (2024). Recreational agroecosystem service value evidenced by mobile phone data: implications for incentive enhancement in terraced paddy land. Environmental Conservation, 51(3),  pp. 219 - 2261-8.

  • Kim, H., Feliciani, C., Tanida, S., Jia, X., Aikoh, T., Shoji, Y., & Nishinari, K. (2024). Investigating Visitors’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Crowded Situation at a Large-Scale Exhibition. Journal of Disaster Research, 19(2), 370-378.

  • ​Aikoh, T., Yahiro, S., Shoji, Y., & Kim, H. (2024). Visitors’ Attitudes Toward the Expansion of Alternative Shuttle Bus System in Shiretoko National Park. Journal of Disaster Research, 19(2), 359-369.

  • Miyagawa, R., Yanagisawa, D., Jia, X., Shoji, Y., Aikoh, T., & Nishinari, K. (2024). Modeling and Questionnaire Survey for Effective Regulated Egress Based on Level of Discomfort. Journal of Disaster Research, 19(2), 279-292.

  • Mameno, K., Hsu, C. H., Tsuge, T., Onuma, A., & Kubo, T. (2024). Who is likely to have illegal eel products after the market regulations? A best-worst scaling approach. Marine Policy, 169, 106373.

  • Hsu, C. H., Fukasawa, K., Mizuta, T., Kimoto, Y., Mameno, K., Ando, H., ... & Kubo, T. (2024). “Wait” to promote high sighting rates of wildlife in tourism: evidence from a wildlife disturbance experiment. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-11.


  • Shoji, Y., Kim, H., Tsuge, T., & Kuriyama, K. (2023). Impact of user fees for visitors to national parks in the presence of alternative sites. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 4(2), 100104.

  • Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Kubo, T., Imamura, K., & Kuriyama, K. (2023). Examining Preferences for Forest Ecosystem Services using Partial Profile Choice Experiments. Journal of Forest Economics, 38(3), 235-263.

  • Kim, H., Shoji, Y., Mameno, K., Kubo, T., & Aikoh, T. (2023). Changes in visits to green spaces due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Focusing on the proportion of repeat visitors and the distances between green spaces and visitors’ places of residences. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 80, 127828.

  • Harada, Y., Ichinose, A., Owake, T., Asahiro, K., Sato, N., & Fujiwara, T. (2023). The Process and Challenges of Resident-Led Reconstruction in a Mountain Community Damaged by the Northern Kyushu Torrential Rain Disaster: A Case Study of the Hiraenoki Community, Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Forests, 14(4), 664.

  • Mameno, K., Kubo, T., Ujiie, K., & Shoji, Y. (2023). Flagship species and certification types affect consumer preferences for wildlife-friendly rice labels. Ecological Economics, 204, 107691.

  • Mameno, K., & Kubo, T. (2023). Mainstreaming eating agrobiodiversity: Appealing with heron labels and boosting with loach labels. Food Quality and Preference, 109, 104919.

  • Fujita, T., Mameno, K., Kubo, T., Masago, Y., & Hijioka, Y. (2023). Unraveling the challenges of Japanese local climate change adaptation centers: A discussion and analysis. Climate Risk Management, 39, 100489.


  • Mameno, K., Kubo, T., Oguma, H., Amagai, Y., & Shoji, Y. (2022). Decline in the alpine landscape aesthetic value in a national park under climate change. Climatic Change, 170(3), 35.

  • Mameno, K., Kubo, T., Suzuki, T., Tsuge, T., & Shoji, Y. (2022). Sanitation is the greatest concern in outdoor cat management but ecological message frames promote biodiversity conservation in Japan. Environmental Conservation, 49(2), 122-129.

  • Tsuge, T., Shoji, Y., Kuriyama, K., & Onuma, A. (2022). Using a choice experiment to understand preferences for disaster risk reduction with uncertainty: A case study in Japan. Sustainability, 14(8), 4753.

  • Mameno, K., & Kubo, T. (2022). Socio-economic drivers of irrigated paddy land abandonment and agro-ecosystem degradation: Evidence from Japanese agricultural census data. Plos one, 17(4), e0266997.

  • 町田怜子, 愛甲哲也, 松島肇, 武正憲, 庄子康, 御手洗洋蔵, & 三上直之. (2022). 阿蘇くじゅう国立公園における二次草原保全活動ボランティアの活動継続と制約の要因. ランドスケープ研究, 85(5), 637-640.

  • 礎有希, 河口洋一, 渡辺公次郎, 庄子康, 佐藤雄大, & 寺山元. (2022). 選択型実験を用いた知床におけるエコツーリズムの需要評価 潜在クラスモデルによる選好の多様性の把握. 都市計画論文集, 57(3), 1301-1308.

  • 尾分達也, 山田咲月, 藤原敬大, & 佐藤宣子. (2022). 林業労働災害発生時における林業事業体の連絡および移送体制の課題 徳島県南部を事例に. 林業経済研究, 68(2), 17-25.


  • Shoji, Y., Kim, H., Kubo, T., Tsuge, T., Aikoh, T., & Kuriyama, K. (2021). Understanding preferences for pricing policies in Japan’s national parks using the best–worst scaling method. Journal for Nature Conservation, 60, 125954.

  • Mameno, K., Kubo, T., & Shoji, Y. (2021). Price premiums for wildlife‐friendly rice: Insights from Japanese retail data. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(6), e417.

  • Kim, H., Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Kubo, T., & Nakamura, F. (2021). Relational values help explain green infrastructure preferences: The case of managing crane habitat in Hokkaido, Japan. People and Nature, 3(4), 861-871.

  • Kim, H., Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Aikoh, T., & Kuriyama, K. (2021). Understanding recreation demands and visitor characteristics of urban green spaces: A use of the zero-inflated negative binomial model. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 65, 127332.

  • Mameno, K., & Kubo, T. (2021). Tourist intentions to donate to non-lethal feral cat management at a potential natural World Heritage site in Japan. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(2), 99-114.

  • 御田成顕, 知念良之, 尾分達也, & 奥山洋一郎. (2021). 小規模山林所有が素材生産と立木売買に与える影響 (論文) 宮崎県南部および北部の比較から. 林業経済, 73(11), 1-11.

  • 御田成顕, 知念良之, & 尾分達也. (2021). 素材入荷状況の異なる地域間比較を通じた中小規模工務店による住宅用木質部材選択の実態把握 地域材利用に着目して. 林業経済研究, 67(2), 47-55.


  • Kim, H., Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Aikoh, T., & Kuriyama, K. (2020). Understanding services from ecosystem and facilities provided by urban green spaces: A use of partial profile choice experiment. Forest Policy and Economics, 111, 102086.

  • Mitsui, S., Kubo, T., & Shoji, Y. (2020). Understanding residents’ perceptions of nature and local economic activities using an open-ended question before protected area designation in Amami Islands, Japan. Journal for Nature Conservation, 56, 125857.

  • Kuriyama, K., Shoji, Y., & Tsuge, T. (2020). The value of leisure time of weekends and long holidays: The multiple discrete–continuous extreme value (MDCEV) choice model with triple constraints. Journal of Choice Modelling, 37, 100238.

  • Aikoh, T., Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Shibasaki, S., & Yamamoto, K. (2020). Application of the double-bounded dichotomous choice model to the estimation of crowding acceptability in natural recreation areas. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 32, 100195.

  • 御田成顕, 知念良之, & 尾分達也. (2020). 司法行政による無断伐採の認定条件の検討―宮崎県南部における民事訴訟の争点を手がかりに―. 九州森林研究, 73, 91-94.

  • 尾分達也, 知念良之, & 佐野宣子. (2020). 土砂・流木災害後の森林所有者の意識変化―平成29年九州北部豪雨を事例に―. 九州森林研究, 73, 91-94.

  • 御田成顕, 知念良之, & 尾分達也. (2020). 無断伐採の認定における山林所有者による資源量と境界明示の重要性: 宮崎県西都市における事例. 九州森林研究, 73, 131-133.

  • 尾分達也, & 佐藤宣子. (2020). 高性能林業機械を保有する素材生産事業体の費用負担認識と経費構成に関する研究. 森林利用学会誌, 35(2), 35-77.

  • 尾分達也, & 佐藤宣子. (2020). 素材生産事業体の経営リスクの特定と評価. 林業経済研究, 66(3), 40-50.

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