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出版された論文の詳細は、Outputs をご覧ください


Conference presentations
Mr. Kuroda presented the following research at the 2024 Conference of the Rural Planning Association.

Kuroda, S. "How are human networks of migrants established in rural villages? Case study of Shimokawa town Hokkaido"


Conference presentations
Ms. Jiajia presented the following research at the 29th SEEPS Annual Conference 2024.

Jiajia, L. "Diurnal Versus Nocturnal Activity Impacts on Duration Times in Urban Parks: Based on Mobile Phone Data"


Conference presentations
Mr. Fukatsu presented at the 12th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas.

Fukatsu, K., Shoji, Y., Aikoh, T. "User attitudes towards the appropriate recreational use introduction of voluntary fees in Lake Shikotsu Northern Japan"

©2023 北海道大学農学部・森林政策学研究室

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